Sunday, November 30, 2008

Open Letter

Open letter to the elite bastards and bitches in  politics and the news media who proselytize the virtues of bailing out Wall Street big money but demonize a living wage earned by the American auto workers.

They, the elite, believe that these hard working Americans make too much money, yet they see nothing wrong the million dollar salaries (per month) Wall Street is raking in.

"They" say, let them file bankruptcy, no one will get hurt.  No one except the workers of course.  Has anyone ever worked for a company that filed bankruptcy?  The workers cannot cash their paychecks, they bounce like a superball.  People at the bottom, those who live one paycheck away from homelessness, will lose, lose big time.  The big guys who have been getting a million a month, one little paycheck won't hurt them, hell, they probably got a couple of million in the bank.
Meanwhile, AIG executives go on million dollar junkets on my tax dollar.

I'm sick of them also yakking about help "Main Street", hell, I don't live on Main and my friends don't either.  How about Oak St, Westmoreland Blvd, Burlington St, Delaney?


Thursday, November 20, 2008

That's Change For Sure

If you thought there would be "real change" in D.C., boy were you sure fooled.

No lobbyist in the obama administration, yeah, heard that one before.

The change is this:  The Republican lobbyist are out and the Democratic lobbyist on in.  Two sides of the same rotten apple.

If you hand some one a dollar bill and ask for change, you usually will get a dollar but in different shapes.

Take Tom Daschle and wife Linda for instance.  Linda Hall Daschle has been a lobbyist for many years for some of the biggest special interest groups.  Since Tom was defeated in 2004 he has tried his hand at lobbying.

Change in D.C. is musical chairs on the Titanic.

Bring in an outsider to D.C. and what do you get?  DD SOS (different day, same old shit).

Do you think that the Founding Fathers meant big special rich interest groups to lobby the government?  I don't.  They were thinking citizens, common folk.

Has the experiment failed or just taken a wrong turn?  What will it take to change it back?  Involvement of the people?  Yeah, dream on.

Most of the time, I feel that no one cares and no one is paying attention.  Go out and ask the first person you see what they think about the Wall Street bailout and see how they react.  Most will look at you like you are nuts,  some might say "what?".  99.9 per cent have no clue.  Although they can tell you who the Three Stooges are.

Besides me, no one cares.  But when it comes time to raise taxes, they will yell. , bloody fucking murder.

I should just shut up, keep my mouth shut.

But not today.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary Won

It has been said that behind every successful man is a woman and obama is not exception.  No not Michelle, Hillary Clinton is the woman behind his success.  Without the lenghty primary race for the Democratic naminee, he would not have been as polished and confident as he is. 

She was not the only person who made this possible, but she is the focus of this post.

In 1965, Rodham enrolled at Wellesley College, where she majored in political science. During her freshman year, she served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans; with this Rockefeller Republican-oriented group, she supported the elections of John Lindsay and Edward Brooke. She later stepped down from this position, as her views changed regarding the American Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. In a letter to her youth minister at this time, she described herself as "a mind conservative and a heart liberal." In contrast to the 1960s current that believed in radical actions against the political system, she sought to work for change within it. In her junior year, Rodham became a supporter of the anti-war presidential nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy. Following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rodham organized a two-day student strike and worked with Wellesley's black students to recruit more black students and faculty. In early 1968, she was elected president of the Wellesley College Government Association and served through early 1969; she was instrumental in keeping Wellesley from being embroiled in the student disruptions common to other colleges.

So she could better understand her changing political views, Professor Alan Schechter assigned Rodham to intern at the House Republican Conference, and she attended the "Wellesley in Washington" summer program. Rodham was invited by moderate New York Republican Representative Charles Goodell to help Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s late-entry campaign for the Republican nomination. Rodham attended the 1968 Republican National Convention in Miami. However, she was upset by how Richard Nixon's campaign portrayed Rockefeller and by what she perceived as the convention's "veiled" racist messages, and left the Republican Party for good.

Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.  In the summer of 1971 she interned at the Oakland, California, law firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein. The firm was well-known for its support of constitutional rights, civil liberties, and radical causes.

Hillary has continued to fight for human rights.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

In Our Best Interest

Whether you voted for him or not, we have a new President Elect, Barack Obama.

Whether you are a Democrat , Republican or Independent, let us all hope and work for a successful Presidency.  It is in the best interest of all Americans for him to succeed.

Let us all hope that the war on the middle class will soon come to a halt.

Let us all hope that this man, Barack Obama understands, that without a strong middle class, democracy can not stand.

Let us all hope that the old economics, the trickle down theory, disappears from our mist.

True economic growth begins from the bottom up, not the other way around. 

Our Founding Fathers and Mothers were the middle class of their time and they understood the value of hard working individuals. 

The 2008 election is over, but there is much to be done.  We have moved forward in our ability to look past race to elect Barack Obama, but we have not yet accomplished the task of equality for women.

Now is the time for us all to pitch in, work together for the benefit of us all.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Add Up The Votes Day

Many states had early voting and Florida was no exception. 

I wanted to vote early, but the polling place didn't open until 10 AM, long after I was at work and they closed at 6PM, too early for me to get back to my side of town to cast an early ballot.  Then our good Gov. Crist ordered them to stay open longer and that was good, except, those darn amendments on the ballot.

I don't know about you but I just don't understand "lawyerese", that is the language that all amendments are written in, not plain old English.

I will be casting my vote early this morning.

If you have not it today.

As a citizen, the most important right to me is my vote.  But it is also an duty to vote.  It is my vote and yours that chooses the President, Senators and Representatives in the Federal government.  But beyond that, local elections are sometimes even more important.  Amendments to our state constitution are important items on the ballot.