Sunday, August 10, 2008

Speaker Pelosi, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?

Nancy Pelosi closed the House on August 1st to go on a five week vacation without ever bringing the issue of energy to the floor for debate and vote.

While hard working Americans are trying to figure out they can pay their bills in the wake of oil prices rising, Speaker Pelosi shuts down the House, our House.

As the price of oil rises so goes the price of everything else, food, electricity, clothing, entertainment, you name it.  In my household it has gotten more and more difficult to pay the bills.

Calls are going out to call, email, snail mail Speaker Pelosi to call back into session the House to do what they should have done before recessing.

Please contact Nancy Pelosi to let her know your thoughts and feelings on this important issue.

You can use the House Speaker's email form using the following:

The main number to Congress:

202 225-3121
The following are toll free numbers to Congress:
(800) 828 - 0498

 (800) 614 - 2803

 (866) 340 - 9281

 (866) 338 - 1015

 (877) 851 - 6437

 (800) 459 - 1887
One person can not change anything, but we are not alone.  Just as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul were not not alone.  They helped shape the America of today.

Now it is left to us.


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